90 Days In & Going Strong
Ashley and I have been doing real estate together now for 3 full months. It has been a very fast and furious ride so far! We have been working on processes, branding, and education. The one thing we have realized is that there will be a continual learning curve and we will be ever-evolving in the rapidly changing real estate business.
At times things have been stressful and maybe even fear-inducing but we have grown immensely and identified our strengths and weaknesses to form an unflappable team. For me, the journey has been eye-opening and challenging. Overcoming my fears of putting myself out there, meeting new people, and stepping out of my comfort zone. If you know me, you know that my comfort zone was being in my office all day behind a computer screen in my pj’s! Life has sure changed. We must be dressed and ready to go out most days now as you just never know when you will have a showing. With a phone to my ear and talking to new people every day! Unbelievable, right?
The most amazing thing has happened, I have found that I actually do like people and getting to know them. Once I found the right brokerage, it was time to start branching out even more. It started with forming a lady’s group here in Arlington where I have met some amazing ladies and am forming new friendships. Next, up is I am being appointed to the Library Board of our little town meeting with a goal to get more involved in my local community.
Ashley has amazed me with her creativity and ideas! She also has the gift of talking to people and connecting. It has been wonderful to watch her blossom and grow in her confidence. She is putting herself out there in new ways and challenging herself daily. Accept that the day is ever-evolving and may not go as planned and being able to pivot is no longer as stressful as it once was.
Upon learning that we are a mother/daughter real estate team, there is usually a mixed response! First, wow that is amazing followed by either "that is wonderful you are so close" or "how do you not kill each other!" Most days it has been wonderful. Yes, I am counting. We have had only 1 day in 90 when we were not happy with each other. So, the good is far outweighing the bad!
Dan has been very supportive of both of us. Always throwing out crazy ideas and thoughts on how we should be doing things. We just listen and do what we want for the most part. Occasionally he has a showstopper idea that we follow up on. We have not had time for many DIY projects lately but feel that there is one around the corner. Stay tuned for that!
Lola, Josie, and Roo continue to keep us on our toes. They have adapted very well to living together. Josie has given us a scare or two as she gets older. We are enjoying the days left with her. Lola and Roo, we have decided, share a single brain cell. They are tied at the hip most days on the “Great Lizard Hunt” in our backyard. Not sure what they would do if they caught the lizard.
That’s all for now, update y'all more next month! Maybe that DIY project will be started.
Robyn :)
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